Traveling is considered an unsettling event that can be changed at any moment, affecting further planning. Likely that you have chosen LATAM Airline as the travel companion, but then you get to cancel the booking. Thus, if you need a conduction guide for issues such as Cancel My Flight with LATAM? Then worry not that the answer is relevant to this; you can get it from subheadings.
When you are looking for an opinion, you can conduct the process, and then you can have these below-cited options. So choose the option that you are comfortable with.
One of the easiest ways to cancel the booking is to make customer service perform on your behalf. And you can do that by making a call and the Latam Airlines Phone Number, 1 (866) 435-9526. After that, you get to choose the option from the IVR menu such as this:-
Press1 to choose the language
Press3 to change flight
Press6 for more option
And then press4 to cancel the flight.
While calling a few times, you might get to pay for that, but the online process is free of cost. With this help, if this you can cancel your ticket on your own, and if you require any type of guide for that, then follow the steps that have been cited at the bottom:-
Open the official website of LATAM Airline.
Then click on the my trip icon and choose to manage your trip option
After that, you get to enter your reservation code with your last name
And then you get to click on the fought cancel option
Now, you can check the cancellation details as cancellation fees and the rest balance.
After the confirmation, you can get the approval message in your email and phone number.
When you are going to cancel your flights, then you may have to comply with the terms and conditions that are laid out by the airline. Thus those details have been registered in the policy, and that is as follows:-
There could be no cancellation charges if you have to cancel your booking within 24 hours of booking, and that is done more than seven days before flight departure.
And the cancellation that is made after this, you get to lay the cancellation fee as per the fare type and destinations.
If you have any medical emergency or illness on the travel date, you can cancel your ticket without any additional cost. But have to submit the relevant document to the airline.
When your original flight has been delayed by four hours or more or the airline shifts you to another flight, and you don't want to travel with that, there could be no charges.
When you voluntarily cancel the nonrefundable ticket, you may forfeit the cost of your fare.
If the booking is made through the travel agent, then to cancel the flight, you may get to approach them because the airline may not take cognizance in this matter.
Furthermore, getting here, you get the Latam Contact Number with the policy details, and if anything is hard to get, then approach customer service.